What is Soil Erosion & its agricultural benefits.
Soil it provides the nutrients and the fertility to the crops which are the lifeline for the human. Soil erosion is a process in which due to natural factors the upper layer of the soil gets depreciated. Major factors that are responsible for soil erosion are running water, blowing winds , shifting lands and flowing waters. The natural process left soil with many advantages and with many disadvantages too. Read More
How to Country Coin can tackle Soil Erosion.
Country Coin is a project with a high value of foundation towards conservation of the environment. Countrycoin is a framework developed in such a centralised way that leads every one of its investors to grow not just by money but with a positive perspective and with principles. Countrycoin used to invest their funds in the environment in such a way that the monitoring of one can be directly or indirectly related with the growth of a seed. Read More
How Country Coin Blockchain Technology Can Revolutionize Agriculture Sector?
COUNTRY COIN works with planning and detailed research on the situation and conditions of the soil. By the digging and circulating of the invested capital the finance was monitored and placed accordingly.Databases of COUNTRY COIN are currently using ICT (information and communication technology) Read More